Wow! Life has been busy. We are trying to finish our shower and get the glass installed before Greg's family comes for Thanksgiving. Things are actually going pretty well. The tile is finished and the glass is scheduled to be installed on Tuesday morning. We grouted part of it last weekend and noticed it was really difficult to get the tiles clean. After searching several stores for marble cleaner, we went back to the place we purchased the tile and they said, "Didn't the salesman tell you to seal the marble before you grout it?" Ummmm, no! They looked up our sales guys name and weren't surprised that he didn't tell us and then informed us he no longer works for the company. Lucky us, we must have been some of his last customers. They sold us (not gave us like they should have) some cleaner that we will try tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that it works.
My big buddy, Bean, had surgery to remove a growth on his ear. It has been there for a long time but it was growing and looking really terrible. The path report came back and showed that it was malignant melanoma. Who's ever heard of a cat with melanoma? G and I joke that he's definitely our cat since we've had malignant melanoma too. Of course, they want me to get x-rays of his lungs and test his lymph nodes but I'm not going to do it. He's 14.5 years old and there is only a 20% chance that it has spread somewhere else. The vet did offer Chinese herbs and acupuncture but I declined. (Bet you've never heard of that!!!) He gets his stitches out tomorrow so we'll see what else they have to say.
On top of all this, I've been to 2 card making parties and hosted one myself in the last week. I'll post pics of all my projects later.
Life is busy but all is well. It's been really cold here. I even got to see snow flurries earlier this week. Of course, it didn't stick b/c it was 70 a few days ago but even the sight of it made me happy.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Posted by Emily at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Target deals
I went to a baby shower yesterday afternoon and my friend told me about her trip to Target before the shower. She told me that all the Halloween merchandise was 90% off. I had to go check it out myself when the shower was over. Surprisingly, there was a lot of stuff left. I got:
25 Pez dispensers, 12 bags of candy, 2 Halloween games, a glow-in-the-dark pillowcase, a table runner, skull shower hooks, stickers, playing cards, catnip toys and a cat toy wand all for..........$14.28. My receipt says I saved $124.60. I really don't believe anyone would ever spend that much on this stuff but I guess it could happen. The kids at school will be very happy with my purchases. I think I'll save the pez dispensers until next Halloween for the trick-or-treeters. I went to two other Targets on Saturday night but they didn't have near the amount of stuff as the one at Southpoint. I love the clearance section at Target!Bean approves of the catnip toys I bought him. He totally agrees that they were worth $.39 for a pack of four! His dad didn't even fuss about this purchase!
Posted by Emily at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Just another Saturday
My cousin and her boyfriend hung out with me on Friday and Saturday. She gave out Halloween candy for me while I cut out center stuff for school. (I've already booked her for Halloween 2009.) We watched part of the Applachian football game on TV but we headed to bed pretty early because my mom came to get us at 8:15 on Saturday morning to go to the church bazar. I hadn't been to church in a loooong time (I'm embarrassed to say) so I was a little hesitant about going but I decided I'd go b/c my mom wanted to. She picked me, Collin, and Caroline up at 8:15 on the dot and we headed to Durham. Of course, we had to make a pit stop at Starbucks. Caroline and I always go to Starbucks. It's like one of our things. We got to church a little before nine and went in to start shopping. The ladies of the church had made some beautiful crafts. I bought 2 blankets with ribbon on them (taggies is what they are called) for baby shower gifts. My mom bought a couple cute things and even Caroline found a hand painted dishsoap bottle for her mother. My hesitation about being there left the minute I walked in. I saw so many wonderful people. I felt really old after seeing some of the kids that I used to babysit for. It was great to visit and catch up with people.
Carloline, Collin, and I went to Red Robin for lunch. They had never been there before and wanted to give it a try. After a nice meal, they headed to NCSU and I went to the mall.
I had some coupons to use and I wanted to vote while I was there. When I walked in the mall and saw the voting line, my mouth dropped open. The line was wrapped around and around and around. I decided to shop first, secretly hoping the line would disappear while I was in a store. I went to Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works to use my coupons.I got everything pictured here for $3.20. I love coupons! The underwear was free and so was the snowman soap. I've wondered for quite a few months why I get 2 coupons a month from VS for free underwear when I NEVER spend a penny there. A lady at Bath & Body works told me that both stores are owned by the same company so since I shop at Bath & Body lots and give out my phone number when they ask for it, I get LOTS of coupons. I was so proud of my shopping that I headed to the voting line.
The sign said the wait was 2.5 to 3 hours from where I got in line. I didn't want to wait but I didn't want to go on Tuesday either b/c I was scared the wait would be even longer. The time passed quickly b/c I talked to the people in line with me. There were even volunteers walking beside the line passing out water and snacks to anyone that wanted them. I thought that was so kind. I made it though the line in only 1.5 hours. I was glad I waited and got to vote. I guess, we'll find out on Tuesday if my vote really mattered!
Posted by Emily at 5:46 PM 0 comments