Sunday, May 31, 2009

Welcome to the Third Trimester!

The days continue to fly by! I went to the doctor on Thursday for my glucose test. The stuff you have to drink, tastes just like flat Sunkist (thanks for the warning Stacy!). It wasn't horrible but I don't want to drink it again. I'll get the results in a week or so. I met with the nurse practitioner while waiting for my blood to be drawn. She was happy with everything so far. She did warn me about pre-eclampsiya. My blood pressure hasn't gone up but I guess it is consistently higher than they would like. She wants me to walk everyday and cut back on sodium. Since I don't add salt to anything, I guess I just have to eat out less. That should get better since I only have 8 more days of school left so I'll feel more like cooking.
We made up Rachel's bed. We hope to hang the letters this week. It's really starting to come together.
We'll be busy with yardwork and house projects for the next few weekends. There's always something to do!


Eloise Williamson said...

You and Greg are doing a great job! Rachel is already feeling the love!

Gran-E and Papa Phil

Mama Karen said...

Rachel's crib is so pretty. I love reading your posts.
Love, Karen